Have you found our dog? Please contact us via:
- E-Mail: hund@mieth.net
- Signal: https://signal.group/#CjQKIH_Xx37If52S2tSC9FeCyR8SvKd4A-jA4TN_ZPBAlBo8EhCSPBp43hWU_Ll9aSFxEzxm
- Telegram: https://t.me/+knspVSRKqPZkYjU8
- WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bm8l5kdIJGY9kFSE5Kd8FX
(Please note that contact via the messengers is subject to their respective terms of use, whereby you do not need to provide any additional data when using the chat function integrated here.
The links lead to groups so that several family members can edit your contact. When you join the groups, others who have also joined at the same time can read the chat if necessary. We clean up the groups after the respective exchange.
Please also note that the English language version is a translation and only the German language version is binding.)